Comprehensive security solutions to meet your needs.
We offer you reliable, advanced security and safety systems, including consulting, design, and implementation, supervised by specialized engineers to ensure the safety of your facilities.
Professionalism and commitment for lasting safety.
A qualified team with deep expertise and organizational knowledge, dedicated to turning your vision into a tangible reality that reflects our commitment to meeting quality and safety standards.

About Us

Integrated and specialized solutions for security and safety systems for government and private projects.

Al-Bawariq Al-Arabiya Company was established with Saudi hands in 2009 and specializes in the field of security, safety, and smart solutions that assist all governmental and private sectors.

We work in accordance with the requirements of the Saudi Building Code, the conditions of Civil Defense, and the standards of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). We also ensure that the systems and devices used are compatible with both local and international standards and regulations and are certified by an international laboratory according to civil defense guidelines, such as LPCP, FM, and UL.

Success Partners

Security and safety are everyone's responsibility, but they are the core of our work and the foundation of our excellence.

Our Services

Supply and installation of fire extinguishing systems

Gas extinguishing systems

It is broadly classified into two categories: inert gases such as argon and nitrogen, and halocarbon compounds. Clean gas is one of the main fire extinguishing agents, as it does not conduct electricity, evaporates quickly, and leaves no residues upon evaporation.

Carbon dioxide gas extinguishes fire and does not conduct electricity. This is achieved through several automatic mechanisms, such as oxygen-deprived areas to which the system is applied, providing comprehensive fire suppression.

The Wet Chemical Fire Suppression System is used to protect commercial kitchens from potential hazards such as open flames, hot cooking surfaces, and large amounts of grease, oil, and gas. This system helps control fires by quickly suppressing grease fires and preventing them from spreading in the environment.

Foam extinguishing systems

It is an integrated foam system with concentrated foam, which is then sent to the foam mixing station, where the required foam is produced. The foam is discharged through specific exits and installed permanently with pumps, to protect areas that need to be safeguarded from danger, such as stalagmites.

It has one or two doors, either on the inside or outside wall, and is of red color, with its quality ensured.

Fire pump supply and installation are carried out according to the operation types and capacity requirements based on the project specifications.

نظام إطفاء بالرغوة مثبت في منشأة صناعية لمكافحة الحرائق بفعالية.

Automated sprinkler systems

It is represented by network pipes and parts, such as threaded or welded pipes of various diameters, control valves, and sprinklers of various types and grades, all of which are approved.

Our Services

Supply and installation of fire alarm systems

Fire extinguishing systems

We provide exemplary solutions in the context of designing, supplying, and installing fire alarm systems for all facilities. This includes engineering frameworks, supervising the implementation, and overseeing the systems until their final installation.

Our Services

Duct works and dust Suction

Duct and dust Suction

It is considered one of the most important requirements in architectural and construction design, and must be taken into account, especially in buildings and facilities where there is a lack of natural air entry due to humidity or in places with small quantities of ventilation. This is one of the most important requirements of civil defense.

Our Services

Supply and installation of fire-resistant emergency doors

Emergency doors

According to the Saudi code and civil defense requirements, emergency or fire-resistant doors must be installed in facilities, and no facility can obtain a license until the installation of these doors is completed.

Al-Bawariq Al-Arabiya Company provides the best services, including the installation of emergency doors.


Our Services

Maintenance contracts

Comprehensive maintenance services to ensure the readiness and efficiency of the systems.

We provide maintenance services to ensure the adequacy and quality of the systems. For this, we take care of the work and offer maintenance contracts that can be concluded annually or daily, depending on when you need them. This gives you confidence in the equipment of these systems. In addition, our maintenance team may be present at the sites, and we will provide the necessary care as required.


Our Services

Technical and supervisory consultations

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Full supervision

Design, review, supervise, and implement plans in accordance with civil defense requirements.


Why Us?

What distinguishes us?

Al-Bawariq Al-Arabiya Company provides a variety of specialized technical and operational solutions for fire safety and security systems, including safety planning, supplying, implementing, supervising, consulting, and issuing safety certificates from Civil Defense. With a professional team of engineers, technicians, and administrators at the highest level, the company supports customer requirements and project needs.

Our Message

To be the leading company in providing the best services in the field of fire extinguishing and alarm systems in terms of installation and high-quality products, in accordance with locally and internationally approved standards.

Our Vision

To be the ideal choice for protecting individuals and property from fire risks, in accordance with safety and security standards across various locations, including public and private places.

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Our Clients


We are always here to provide the
best services for you.


Riyadh, Al-Qairawan

Contact Us



Working Times

from 9:00am to 8:00 pm

Designing safety and fire-fighting plans and approving them at the Civil Defense

We, through our team of specialized engineers and technicians at Rasafa Company, design plans for safety, alarm, and fire-fighting systems, as well as prepare technical reports for factories, warehouses, and buildings, and review, approve, and approve them at the Civil Defense.

These plans and designs include the finest details, from designing alarm and firefighting maps for residential buildings, commercial and administrative centers, the type of fire-fighting and early warning systems, pumps, pipes, fireboxes, control panels, and alarm devices, all the way to specifying all evacuation routes and other important details as well. For the safety of buildings and their residents or workers.

Supervising the implementation of safety and fire-fighting works

We provide supervision services for the implementation of safety and firefighting projects, works, and plans, through a qualified group of fire system engineers and fire alarm system engineers accredited by the Council of Engineers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

In addition to a group of specialized technicians (each in his specialty) who are fully qualified, to optimally supervise the implementation processes and their accuracy and produce works with high professionalism and excellent quality.

Preparing engineering reports and studies for existing buildings and approving them with the Civil Defense

We provide clients at Rasafa Company with services to prepare reports and engineering studies for existing buildings and have them approved by the Saudi Civil Defense in compliance with the Saudi building code and the set of conditions and requirements and the subsequent executive regulations and appendices related to building and construction conditions to ensure safety and public health.

With the application of all procedures and controls for building permits and the preparation of engineering reports and studies and their requirements for buildings and facilities, and responsible follow-up and control by professional and registered engineers who possess the necessary qualifications and relevant experience to perform the responsibilities associated with this service as well.

Issuing a building safety and electrical wiring safety certificate

Through a specialized team and qualified technicians equipped with the latest equipment and means

We inspect the safety of buildings to see if they meet all conditions, technical standards, and general safety standards. We also test electrical installations and ensure their safety and the safety of connections in an accurate and detailed manner for everything that includes these extensions and their safety, and provide solutions if there are violations of safety standards and conditions.

After that, we issue a building safety certificate and electrical wiring safety certificate as well and have it approved by the Saudi Civil Defense for various types of buildings and facilities within a short period that helps customers complete their work successfully as quickly as possible.

Issuing a certificate of conformity and completion of work for projects

We issue and issue certificates of conformity and completion of work for projects and approve them as projects that have met all the various regulatory requirements and met all technical and safety standards, which enables the client to complete the work of these projects and consider them successful projects in terms of planning, organization and fulfillment of the basic standards for these works.

Designing emergency and evacuation plans

At Rusafa Company, through a team of specialized engineers, we prepare and design emergency and evacuation plans during confronting crises and emergency situations in various types of buildings and facilities.

Integrated plans with a pictorial representation of the building and other information relevant to emergency response, which aim to provide emergency and evacuation information to residents of buildings and facilities and include detailed information such as:

  • Exit ways
  • Assembly points
  • Emergency information
  • Portable and fixed fire fighting equipment
  • Fire fighting rooms
  • Emergency procedures
  • Website name and full address

Issuing technical reports for Salama site and Baladi site

At Rasafa Company, we also provide our clients with the services of issuing and extracting the technical reports required for the Salama website and the Baladi website. We can extract these reports in electronic form within a short time for all types of small and large establishments and projects.

Issuing safety reports and technical reports for the Salama site, designing and approving security and safety plans (fire, alarm and evacuation) for civil defense, issuing technical reports for civil defense, issuing facility safety certificates, electrical installation safety certificate and other required reports and certificates as quickly as possible and under the supervision of specialized engineers and technicians to complete All conditions and requirements that the facility needs to issue and extract such reports and certificates.